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WinTech Rowing Shoe

SKU: OSP55-247 (PN238-35)

WinTech Black shoes are our budget shoes which come standard in our Competitor construction boats.

WinTech shoes are fastened to the shoe plate with M6 Machine Screws.

NB. Most other manufacturers use M5 screws. Therefore, if you order these shoes for boats manufactured by others, you may have to enlarge your shoe plate holes slightly to accommodate the M6 screws.

The shoes are supplied with Heel Restraints and screws.

Price on Application
Size Weight Range (kg) Average Crew Weight (kg) Length (mm)
 Super Lightweight 50-60kg 55kg 6965
Lightweight 60-75kg 70kg 7900
Lightweight FLX* 60-75kg 70kg 7277
Midweight 75-85kg 80kg 7905
Heavyweight 85-105kg 95kg 8120
Heavyweight FLX* 85-105kg 95kg 7900
Super Heavyweight 105-125kg 110kg 8330


*FLX - Our elite hull shape optimised for high rate (35+spm). This hull shape has less hydrodynamic stability than standard hull shape however is quicker at higher stroke rates.